F: No --that won't let me out of the difficulty. Because written words still have some sort of rhythm and they still have overtones. The point is that no mere words exist. There are only words with either gesture or tone of voice or something of the sort. But, of course, gestures without words are common enough.
D: Daddy, when they teach us french at school, why don't they teach us to wave our hands?
F: I don't know. I'm sure I don't know. That's probably one of the reasons why people find learning languages so difficult.
F: Anyhow, it is all nonsense. I mean, the notion that language is made of words is all nonsense --and when I said gestures could not be translated into "mere words", I was talking nonsense, because there is no such thing as "mere words". And all the syntax and grammar and all that stuff is nonsense. It's all based on the idea that "mere" words exist --and there are none.
D: But, Daddy...
F: I tell you --we have to start all over again from the beginning and assume that language is first and foremost a system of gestures. Animals after all have only gestures and tones of voice --and words were invented later. Much later. And after that they invented schoolmasters...
-Parte de uno de los Metalogues, de Bateson con su hija.
- El semilenguaje de las apariencias suscita continu...
- estás corriendo y ni sabes de qué...
- nuestra percepción es creadora por exceso y por de...
- luego de "discutir" a pinche weber macho y calvini...
- y aquí, allá, huyendo, entraban por necesidad en e...
- Sin título
- el problema de estar tan cerca es que, justo ahí, ...
- nanopigmento no tóxico
- le pegaste una chinga a esos tacones quisiera ve...
- yo en mi what does it all mean crisis, y a ellos s...
- I insisto, la respuesta más hermosa. que viene tam...
- Now the high clouds cover the sun And I can not ...
- ...and take your wounds from it gladly.
- hoy alguien me contestó de la manera más hermosa q...
- Sin título
- ¿qué más puede hacer un turista, sino llorar? ma...
- valetodo adoro el concepto, la palabra, lo crudo,...
- recordarte es un hermoso lugar.
- i trust people who smoke alone.
- i just wanna feel dead for a few hours.
- but still...
- me hace feliz lo que harás
- Es importante no sólo porque suena, sino porque re...
- ¿por qué necesitamos historias?
- 5am. i make some coffee, watch nanook of the north...
- cuando la vida nos trata bien...
- nonsense
- adoro la voz dura en una mujer. y a los hombres...
- Sin título
- Todo juguete puede ser un arma.
- ¿No consigue, en su lucha sin cuartel con las pala...
- luego de leer su discusión marital (retesuave) con...