(of course there's the word of the day coming out from those lips, but they don't mean, i can see that)
-I think i should've done something to be with you today, but i didn't, and i don't feel guilty.
Fuck you.
-You know, these things are not for me.
Fuck you.
-Do you know when's my birthday?
No, I don't, and neither do you.
-Well, you'll never know, that day will pass as any other.
Serously, outloudly, violently, knife-on-your-throat: Fuck you.
(all i can manage is to kiss the silence and hang up)
- (of course there's the word of the day coming out ...
- Days
- Estoy en la sala con un libro. Llega, se sienta, y...
- No es únicamente la necesidad de que otros crean e...
- I'm like a bird
- tres en una semana
- (Llueve)
- - Nos están agarrando en curva.- Nos están poniend...
- Endless.
- I feel like fighting, braking things, traspassing ...
- aquí (este aire empuja)las cosas están sucediendoa...